Hand illustration Hand illustration

Software Development

Software Development

We keep our finger on the pulse of what’s powerful in ecommerce

<React JS>
<Lucidworks Fusion>
<Big Data & PySpark>

We’ve mastered React JS to revolutionize user interaction for powering up ecommerce presence with dynamic experiences.

Our elite digital engineers harness the power of React JS to shape seamless, visually captivating ecommerce interfaces.

Their bold approach ensures your online presence commands attention, fostering user loyalty through engaging user experience.

Masterful use of React JS accelerates development cycles, liberating your capability for ecommerce innovation.

We dedicate ourselves to timely, feature-rich solutions, ensuring your business remains agile and adaptive in a dynamic market.

We optimize performance using React JS, providing an authentic and trustworthy digital experience.

Users benefit from high-speed interactions, and your ecommerce success is driven by a commitment to user satisfaction.

We’ve mastered Java for robust architecture that’s scalable, secure, and efficient for dynamic ecommerce functionality.

Our digital engineers wield Java with strategic acumen, architecting solutions that seamlessly integrate and dynamically adapt.

Their mastery ensures a commanding digital presence, enabling your ecommerce framework for maximum efficiency.

We use Java to accelerate development cycles while maintaining reliability and scalability in our delivery.

Java’s ‘write once, run anywhere’ principle allows your ecommerce system to run applications on various platforms, for flexibility and compatibility with dramatically reduced development time.

Java’s built-in security features safeguard ecommerce transactions, protecting sensitive customer data, and offering a secure environment that reduces the risk of costly and destructive cyber threats.

We’ve mastered Lucidworks Fusion to handle big data, surpassing 50M records precisely and efficiently.

Our engineers use Lucidworks Fusion to optimize ecommerce systems with improved search relevance, personalized experiences, increased conversion rates, and dynamic merchandising.

It enhances customer engagement, supports faceted search, ensures cross-channel consistency, provides inventory visibility, and aids content discovery.

With multilingual support, Fusion reduces cart abandonment, offers scalability and performance, and provides a competitive advantage through recommendation engines.

Inventory visibility is a key strength of Fusion, providing insights into stock levels and product availability. Fusion enhances content discovery, making relevant information easily accessible.

We’ve mastered Algolia to boost ecommerce conversion rates with indexing and insights at massive scale.

Algolia revolutionizes search for ecommerce business with lightning-fast results, and great user experience creating increased satisfaction and higher conversion rates.

Algolia’s robust scalability is a key advantage for businesses with expansive product catalogs, ensuring seamless and efficient search experience across massive inventory.

A standout feature is its ability to adapt to the dynamic nature of ecommerce using real-time indexing and intuitive search algorithms, enabling big ecommerce to stay agile.

Algolia enhances business outcomes with valuable insights, offering analytics and user behavior data to support strategy refinement, content optimization, and more conversions.

Reliability is another critical factor for large ecommerce operations, with Algolia designed to handle high query volumes, ensuring consistent performance even during peak traffic periods.

Minimized downtime pairs with speed, scalability, and adaptability to make Algolia a key ecommerce business winner.

We’ve mastered Python to ensure consistent user experience during peak periods, all with actionable insight.

Python stands as a versatile language, streamlining development for large ecommerce operations. Its concise syntax and extensive libraries empower developers, fostering efficient coding practices and expediting project timelines.

Adaptability is a key strength of Python, allowing businesses to easily integrate changes to meet evolving market demands.

This flexibility ensures competitiveness in the ever-shifting ecommerce landscape—bolstered by a scalability that has made Python tool for rapid ecommerce growth.

Consistent performance during peak periods, with seamless user experience, fortifies business operations in high traffic.

Python offers strategic advantages through robust analytics tools, which empower businesses with actionable insights into customer behavior, market trends, and operational efficiency, supporting informed decision-making and optimizing overall business strategies.

We like Python’s reliability, which minimizes downtime and ensures consistently positive user experience.

We’ve mastered MongoDB to rapidly develop new features and provide location-specific content to users.

As a NoSQL database, MongoDB offers unparalleled scalability for large ecommerce businesses. We use its flexible schema to accommodate dynamic data, providing agility in adapting to evolving ecommerce needs.

MongoDB’s horizontal scaling enables seamless handling of growing datasets, ensuring optimal performance during peak traffic periods.

With MongoDB’s document-oriented model, our ecommerce clients store and retrieve complex data structures effortlessly. landscape.

We use its flexibile data modeling to efficiently handle product catalogs, customer profiles, and transaction records, for faster time-to-market of new features.

MongoDB’s distributed nature ensures high availability and fault tolerance, ensuring uninterrupted operations.

We use its support for geospatial data to incorporate location-based services, providing personalized and location-specific content to users—a key competitive edge for our ecommerce clients.

We’ve mastered Elasticsearch to power advanced analytics with robust, open-sourced plugins and integrations.

Our engineers use Elasticsearch as a powerful search and analytics engine to enhance large ecommerce operations. Its distributed nature ensures scalability, enabling our clients to seamlessly handle vast amounts of data.

The real-time indexing capability of Elasticsearch ensures that ecommerce clients provide users with up-to-date and accurate information—driving up conversion rates.

Elasticsearch’s versatile data modeling supports complex structures, facilitating efficient storage and retrieval of diverse data types.

Elasticsearch offers flexibility in catalog management, customer profiles, transaction records, and advanced search capabilities.

Elasticsearch’s comprehensive analytics offer our clients valuable insights from data. Leveraging Elasticsearch’s aggregations, our clients refine marketing strategies and drive continuous improvement.

The open-source nature of Elasticsearch and its robust ecosystem of plugins and integrations mean we can extend our clients’ businesses with huge return on investment.

We’ve mastered PySpark to leverage Big Data for unparalleled ecommerce insight.

Our engineers use PySpark to gain unparalleled insights, with distributed computing and scalable processing, so clients handle vast datasets with enhanced analytics and personalized user experiences.

The parallel processing capabilities of PySpark empower our clients to analyze and process data more efficiently, with reduced processing times, faster query responses, and improved overall system performance.

PySpark’s machine learning libraries help us build robust recommendation engines, enhancing customer experience and driving higher conversion.

PySpark’s compatibility with various data sources enhances integration capabilities for ecommerce platforms, for a unified view of customer data, product information, and transaction records.

PySpark offers demand forecasting, dynamic pricing, fraud detection, market basket analysis and customer churn prediction— all protected against node failures, with PySpark minimizing data loss and downtime.

We extend PySpark with other big data tools like Apache Hadoop and Apache Hive for our clients to unlock advanced analytics.

Custom software engineers of distinction with complete ecommerce mastery

Female Software Developer - RBM Software

Modernize your
ecommerce tech stack

We offer cloud enterprise architecture using AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud—as well as custom software development—for scalable, flexible deployment and bespoke functionality.

Software Engineer in Red Shirt - RBM Software

Integrate legacy systems for
ecommerce evolution

We resolve technical debt and surpass legacy architecture with distributed, microservices-based architecture—all while ensuring continuous service and optimization.

Man in E-Commerce Data Centre

Optimize and scale your
ecommerce conversion and revenue

We enable modular updates, foster agility and scalability, and enhance data handling. We optimize search, streamline user experience, revolutionize analytics, and drive revenue growth.

Custom software engineers of distinction with complete ecommerce mastery

Female Software Developer - RBM Software

Modernize your
ecommerce tech stack

We offer cloud enterprise architecture using AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud—as well as custom software development—for scalable, flexible deployment and bespoke functionality.

Software Engineer in Red Shirt - RBM Software

Integrate legacy systems for
ecommerce evolution

We resolve technical debt and surpass legacy architecture with distributed, microservices-based architecture—all while ensuring continuous service and optimization.

Man in E-Commerce Data Centre

Optimize and scale your
ecommerce conversion and revenue

We enable modular updates, foster agility and scalability, and enhance data handling. We optimize search, streamline user experience, revolutionize analytics, and drive revenue growth.


We’ve mastered the tech that delivers your ecommerce evolution

React JS

UI Library

Enhance UX and accelerate development of seamless, dynamic interfaces.

Lucidworks Fusion

Complex Search

Improve search relevance, personalization, and engagement.


Search Platform

Accelerate search, boost user satisfaction, drive conversion rates.

Elastic Search

Search Engine

Get real-time indexing, fast search, and analytics for ecommerce performance.


Versatile Programming

Accelerate development, efficiently support diverse ecommerce functionality.


Flexible Programming

Scale operations securely and efficiently for large-scale ecommerce solutions.

PY Spark

Big Data

Process big data efficiently with enhanced analytics and personalization.

Mongo DB

NoSQL Database

Model data flexibly, at scale, with enhanced ecommerce analytics.

We’ve mastered the tech that delivers your ecommerce evolution

React JS

UI Library

Enhance UX and accelerate development of seamless, dynamic interfaces.

Lucidworks Fusion

Complex Search

Improve search relevance, personalization, and engagement.


Search Platform

Accelerate search, boost user satisfaction, drive conversion rates.

Elastic Search

Search Engine

Get real-time indexing, fast search, and analytics for ecommerce performance.


Versatile Programming

Accelerate development, efficiently support diverse ecommerce functionality.


Flexible Programming

Scale operations securely and efficiently for large-scale ecommerce solutions.

PY Spark

Big Data

Process big data efficiently with enhanced analytics and personalization.

Mongo DB

NoSQL Database

Model data flexibly, at scale, with enhanced ecommerce analytics.


Real life


We expanded this online US furniture giant into UK 
and Europe—while innovating with Microservices.

Scaling limited by legacy.

Over a ten-year period, we’ve worked to modernize the enterprise systems of the largest high-end furniture retailer in the US.

Its old tech stack—with old designs and old APIs—were causing performance issues in the context of the outdated, monolithic approach to systems architecture.

While seeking expansion into lucrative UK and European markets, we advised our client that scaling its legacy systems would scale and amplify its legacy problems.

Modernizing for growth and profit.

We moved the client’s legacy architecture into a distributed, microservices-based architecture—all while ensuring continuous service and optimization.

We implemented ReactJS-based web UI for internal associate portals in record time, re-designed non-performaing APIs, and created customized previews for the client’s CMS application.

We also created an SKU management portal, and implemented several small-to-medium enhancement projects.

We modernized an online apparel specialist to allow multi-lingual expansion—while lifting conversion.

Multi-lingual issues blocking change.

Our client was a global apparel operation grappling with a legacy tech stack that hindered international scalability. Clunky multi-language interfaces and outdated relational databases resulted in sluggish user experiences, inefficient search, and delayed product updates.

Our engineers recognized the urgency of change, and pinpointed the critical need for a modernized foundation using modern tools to not only expand the operation, but drive conversion rate improvements and transform customer satisfaction metrics.

Machine learning lifting the innovation lid.

Our engineers architected and developed a microservices approach. This strategic move enabled modular updates, fostering agility and scalability. We leveraged MongoDB’s NoSQL-database enhanced data handling, and used Elasticsearch to optimize search.

Integrating Algolia and Python streamlined user experiences, and PySpark revolutionized analytics capabilities. Machine learning and generative AI future-proofed the system, culminating in growth and innovation toward global ecommerce.

We augmented staffing with specialist engineers to QA test a new FMCG ecommerce front-end before launch.

A large FMCG with new front-end.

A prominent FMCG client faced intricate data architecture challenges, impeding operational efficiency. Legacy systems had hindered data flow, causing bottlenecks and inefficiencies in a fast-moving consumer goods landscape.

Realizing the value in system innovation, the client had used its internal team to develop new data architecture and a reboot of its front-end for improved customer experience—but needed a rigorous QA process that lay beyond the available time and expertise of inhouse engineers.

Caught bugs before they could bite.

Our engineers augmented the work of inhouse staff, leading a QA process that took in functionality testing, usability testing, and security testing.

A rapid test period identified numerous issues with the front and back-end integration, user experience issues, and security issues.

Our engineers briefed and led inhouse engineers on several rapid rounds of iterative improvements, and the new system launched on time with zero issues.

Reach out
for ecommerce excellence

union Manoj Mane, CEO - RBM Software Manoj Mane, CEO - RBM Software

The true cost of downtime on your business–and how to combat it.